I put my minds into words
Boys, they come and they go. But friends remains forever. Or do they? I thought I had found a person that I could call my best friend, but I guess I was wrong. Why is there that all the people I call best friend goes finding another person they call the same thing and just stop seeing me. It has happened before, and it's happening now again. I feel alone. I feel hurted. I feel guilty. But what for? I haven't done anything wrong... Or have I? I even feel a little bit scared. I haven't even brought it up with her for the reason I'm scared to make it all worse. Like our friendship will get infected. I put my minds into words hoping she will read this. Hoping she will understand. Cause now I feel alone without her. Lonley. Worst feeling in the world. But I want her to know, that she will still be one of my best friends even in the worste of times